am pleased to announce that my latest book, Refactoring HTML, has been released by Addison Wesley, and is now available for purchase here at Amazon. This book endeavors to improve the design of existing web sites along multiple axes: maintainability, security, attractiveness, and performance. It does this by moving sites to web standards: XHTML, CSS, and REST.
One thing I am a little worried about: with any book of this nature I can virtually guarantee that anyone who reads it will absolutely love some of the chapters and absolutely hate others. We certainly saw that in the review stages with early drafts of the manuscript. However, we also saw that the reviewers couldn't agree on which chapters they loved and which they hated. In fact, a chapter that one reviewer hated was usually another reviewer's favorite and vice versa.
Thus please take this book as a starting point for further thought, rather than the last word on the subject. I certainly don't intend to suggest that every web site should implement every single one of the refactorings I catalog here. In fact, it wouldn't take too long to find some of the recommendations that my own sites violate. The refactorings described herein are intended to ameliorate different problems and concerns that affect web site developers.
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martes, 20 de mayo de 2008
Refactoring HTML: Improving the Design of Existing Web Applications

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